This project.

We were asked to create a Power Point, but it was for something else other than what we are used to Power Point. The project called for us to do something with Power Point that wasn't direct instruction. After reading an article called "Beyond Power Point" I was convinced this was a great idea. The article talked about how Power Point is used, and later in one of my classes the wrong way to use PP was reinforced. We were forced to go outside of our "Power Point" comfort zone. And as a future educator, I think this is invaluable.
Another point of view on Power Point is here.
Well, I really liked this project.
I have worked with Power Point for many projects before but never in depth. I discovered a lot with this project and I am really proud of my project. I made my project based on a standard about community living and roles within the community. I focused on emergency services and their role in the community. The presentation was made to be the beginning of the lesson as a personal discovery so that students could drive their own learning.I learned how to use Power Point in a new and fun way. I learned that Power Point is very time consuming, but I learned that it had so many different capabilities. I was also able to connect my Power Point to the internet and have a lot of fun things added in, like this website.
I created something that I am proud of and will use in another way sometime in my life.
Presentation of Projects
I like presenting my project to peers. I worked really hard on my project, and I know that my peers did as well. It was nice to see how other people took the project and what they did. This project was highly personalized so you got to see a part of your peers personality.If you didn't realize I enjoyed my work, so here it is."
And here was where the lesson plan was supposed to go.